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VENEZUELA – Document Legalization Services Suspended Indefinitely

13 Jun

On June 8, 2017, SAREN, the government agency in Venezuela that is authorized to issue Apostilles and legalizations on Venezuelan documents, announced a suspension of all document legalization services.

According to SAREN’s communication, the service suspension is due to a fire at its Caracas offices on June 7 that was set during anti-government protests, which destroyed the agency’s archives and caused major damages to the electronic system used to administrate legalization services at the agency’s offices throughout the country. Accordingly, the suspension affects legalization services at all locations in Venezuela. No estimate was provided on when services may resume.

This development affects Venezuelan nationals and other individuals with Venezuelan birth certificates, marriage certificates, or other documents issued in Venezuela, who need to present such documents for immigration processes at foreign consulates or in other countries. Individuals who require legalizations of their Venezuelan documents should expect extensive delays and should contact their Foster LLP attorney to review alternative strategies for presenting documents that have been authenticated through alternative methods.

Foster will continue to monitor events in Venezuela and will provide further updates on any immigration-related developments via our website at or Immigration Updates©.