Additional 30-Day Extension Now Available for Certain Visa Waiver Program Visitors
20 Apr
by Foster LLP, on COVID-19 Updates, Immigration Updates, News
U.S Customs and Border protection (CBP) recently announced that Visa Waiver Program (VWP) entrants who have already been granted satisfactory departure may now apply for an additional 30-day extension of their admission period if they remain unable to depart the United States due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Visitors who entered under the VWP are not eligible to extend their stay from the United States. However, VWP visitors who are unable to depart the United States due to COVID-19 related issues may apply for “satisfactory departure”. Visitors who are granted a second satisfactory departure will now have an additional 30 days to depart the U.S. after their lawful period of admission.
Please contact a Foster attorney for assistance with any satisfactory departure matter. Foster will continue to monitor government updates related to COVID-19 and will provide additional updates on the immigration-related impacts of COVID-19 via our firm’s website at