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WASHINGTON — U.S. immigration enforcement officers are proposing that fingerprints be taken from all people claiming custody of children who have entered the United States illegally without an adult relative, a measure that opponents said could keep thousands of families apart. As a new wave of unaccompanied Central American children […]

The U.S. is test­ing what could be a power­ful new de­terrent against il­leg­al im­mig­ra­tion. Between 40 to 50 per­cent of people il­leg­ally liv­ing in the U.S.—as many as 6 mil­lion people, ac­cord­ing to an es­tim­ate by the Pew Re­search Cen­ter—didn’t sneak in, but entered leg­ally, and then over­stayed their visas. Up to […]

By Elliot Spagat SAN DIEGO — The federal government on Thursday began collecting facial and eye scans of foreigners entering the U.S. at a busy border crossing with Mexico, a first step in one of its most ambitious efforts to track people who stay in the country illegally after their […]