By Allissa Wickham Law360, New York (May 20, 2016, 5:07 PM ET) — Although E-Verify can be a useful tool for companies seeking to make sure their employees are authorized to work, attorneys warn that jumping into the program can lead to staffing shortages, and E-Verify data may increase the […]
After former Gov. Rick Perry issued an executive order in December 2014 mandating the use of E-Verify for state agencies, some lawmakers noted the directive lacked a mechanism to ensure compliance. But more than nine months after Gov. Greg Abbott signed a separate E-Verify bill, some of those gaps still exist. Perry’s order required state agencies […]
Texas Governor Signs Bill Mandating E-Verify: New Law is Limited to State Agencies, Not Businesses That Contract With Them
15 Jun
by Foster, on Immigration Updates
On Wednesday, June 10th, 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 374 into law. Effective September 1st of this year, the new law requires that all state agencies register and participate in E-Verify to verify information of all newly hired agency employees and will be enforced by the Texas […]