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by Roberto Lovato SAN FRANCISCO — It is the one major hope for at least temporary relief from the threat of deportation that immigrants like William Ortiz face daily: President Obama’s executive order providing temporary stay of deportation and a work permit. “Getting it would be super extraordinary for me,” […]

HYATTSVILLE, Md.—George Escobar read aloud from a list of names, his voice rising above the chatter of a packed lobby at CASA of Maryland, the state’s largest immigration-rights organization. Several people—the ones who, until recently, the undocumented-immigrant community considered “lucky”—stood up and followed Escobar to a small conference room on […]

When President Barack Obama outlined why he was letting as many as 4 million immigrants stay and work legally in this country last month, it sounded like he was talking about Arturo Hernandez. Hernandez, 42, meets the criteria for Obama’s deportation relief. He has a daughter who was born here […]