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Politicians like to say they are debating what should happen tomorrow, but way too often they are instead locked in argument about something that happened yesterday. A classic case: the current immigration debate. In three years of trying, Congress has failed in high-profile efforts to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws. […]

When Charles Foster became chairman of Asia Society of Texas in 1991, the Houston chapter was renting a small office space with a couple of staff members. Now, 24 years later, when Lily Chen Foster and Charles Foster were honored at Asia Society Texas Center’s Tiger Ball – Enchanting China […]

By Amber Elliott Neither rain nor traffic could deter partygoers from the Asia Society Texas Center’s Tiger Ball on Thursday night. Despite the soggy skies and congested streets, some 700 gussied-up guests made their way to the Museum District venue primed to toast the organization’s 35-year Houston presence. Flanked by […]