Politicians like to say they are debating what should happen tomorrow, but way too often they are instead locked in argument about something that happened yesterday. A classic case: the current immigration debate. In three years of trying, Congress has failed in high-profile efforts to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws. […]
When Charles Foster became chairman of Asia Society of Texas in 1991, the Houston chapter was renting a small office space with a couple of staff members. Now, 24 years later, when Lily Chen Foster and Charles Foster were honored at Asia Society Texas Center’s Tiger Ball – Enchanting China […]
Asia Society Honors Charles and Lily Chen Foster at 2015 Tiger Ball
13 Mar
by Foster, on Immigration Updates, News
HOUSTON – March 13, 2015 – Charles Foster of Foster LLP, a leading immigration law firm delivering the full spectrum of U.S. and global immigration solutions, and wife, Lily Chen Foster, were the featured honorees at the annual Tiger Ball benefiting Asia Society Texas Center. This year’s gala celebrated the […]
By Amber Elliott Neither rain nor traffic could deter partygoers from the Asia Society Texas Center’s Tiger Ball on Thursday night. Despite the soggy skies and congested streets, some 700 gussied-up guests made their way to the Museum District venue primed to toast the organization’s 35-year Houston presence. Flanked by […]