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By Amy Taxin SANTA ANA, Calif. — Nubia Rodriguez was assaulted and kidnapped by an ex-boyfriend, crimes that made her eligible for a special visa for immigrants in the U.S. illegally. To apply, she needed law enforcement officials that handled the case to sign paperwork documenting the crime and her […]

Look to California’s Model

3 Sep

Nearly two-thirds of Americans favor a path to legalizing the status of undocumented immigrants, and this support has remained steady over the past decade. That is to say, immigration is not an issue that the majority of Americans are actually angry about. Despite consistently high popular support for legalization, Congress […]

by Griselda Nevarez Julian Zatarain may not be able to vote because he is undocumented, but his immigration status didn’t prevent him from accepting an appointment to a city advisory board this week. The 21-year-old college student and longtime community volunteer was appointed Monday to the parks and recreation commission […]