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LOS ANGELES — An updated study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) found that undocumented immigrants who reside in California collectively paid almost $3.2 billion in state and local taxes in 2013. “Regardless of the politically contentious nature of immigration reform, the data show undocumented immigrants greatly […]

The immigration issue is fraught at the best of times, but especially so right now, with the rhetoric emanating from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Yet David Frum, a former George W. Bush speechwriter and senior editor at the Atlantic, has chosen this time to wade into the fray with a […]

Eco­nom­ists tend to agree that im­mig­ra­tion is good for the eco­nomy: Im­mig­rants cre­ate jobs and make U.S-born work­ers more pros­per­ous. Op­pon­ents of this idea of­ten cite the work of Har­vard labor eco­nom­ist George Bor­jas to ar­gue that, at the very least, low-skilled im­mig­rants steal jobs that low-skilled Amer­ic­ans would nor­mally […]